Monday, December 15, 2008

Hard Times Drive Innovation

Reading today's paper I came across an interview with the a Harvard professor who focuses on innovation. Much of what was said in the interview I found myself agreeing with. Difficult times encourage people to think about doing things in different and creative ways. Innovation during difficult times is also unique because it is lean and is evolving with many constraints.

I consider our project an innovative way of solving an important social issue. The best part about this idea is that it is accomplishing a large and complex problem in a very simple manner. No new technology is being developed, in fact the technology being utilized has been around for some time and is fairly cheap. It will help craft our project to operate in this bare bones type of environment.

Towards the end of the interview the professor also talked about innovative business structures which I found interesting because of the stage our project is in. Creating a holding company which has subsidiary companies allows for private ownership while also having the option to take the specific segments public. This method appears that it would retain more control and also create unity among different segments.

Happy New Year

"How Hard Times Can Drive Innovation" -WSJ