Friday, November 20, 2009

Health Reform and Health Devices

Today I came across an article that had several interesting thoughts about the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) which has approximately $20 million slated towards healthcare information technology according to IDC.

Continua Health Alliance pushed for a mention of remote monitor devices for medical re-reimbursement by insurance companies for software and technology which were creating a "meaningful use" of technology. Although this phase opens the door it leaves more to interpreted by what is considered meaningful use. Essentially it could be a limiting factor on deciding what type of healthcare technology is eligible for reimbursement.

I think the case for "meaningful use" should be based upon benefit provided to the stakeholders of an individuals health. By this I mean not only the patient but also the health provider and the insurance company. So if a product not only improves the quality of life of a patient, reduces cost for a health provider and at the same time reduces the amount of claims made to an insurance company, everyone wins. This product should be classified as "meaningful use" and therefore be strongly backed as needing to be a reimbursable product.

Article: Healthcare reform gives health-monitoring electronics a new diagnosis