Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mobile Phone Company Incentive's Pill Compliance

Help sometimes comes from interesting places. Today I read an article which highlighted a company (XoutTB) which has created stamp sized patches that can detect traces of medication in a users urine. When the paper is "exposed" to your medication traces it reveals a number which can be text messaged into your mobile phone provider. This number is not revealed unless you have been taking your medication. The mobile service provider rewards individuals who are taking their medication by giving them some free air time minutes.

It seems that there are more people than we might normally think that have a vested interest in our health. The first thing that came to my mind is that the healthier we are, the longer we live and use our mobile phones. Maybe this is not the case, but evidently it is better for everyone if we can find a way to improve prescription pill compliance.

This is a great idea on trying to incentive compliance but the procedure and or idea is still in its infancy. Other solutions should be sought out as the United States in particular is faced with the largest price tag on Health Care. It is said that by 2050 that one third of the U.S. will be over the age of 60. This demographic swing is likely to create a large crisis not only in health care but again in the financial markets.

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